How MSI continues to disrupt and transform its business model
HOUSTON, TEXAS – September 29, 2022: MicroSeismic, Inc. (MicroSeismic) was named an Energy Industry Disruptor on the inaugural CNBC Disruptor 50 List in 2013 and ten years later we are still celebrating as we approach our 20th anniversary and expand our business model. MicroSeismic was named among some of the top companies such as Waze, What’s Up, Twitter, Tumblr, Spotify and 23andMe. We are honored that CNBC has done a follow-up article on MicroSeismic.
CNBC assembled a list of over 200 companies and eventually developed a list of the top five disruptors in ten industries. MicroSeismic was named as one of those top 5 in the Energy sector. CNBC set out to define “disruption” and what that meant to various industries. They focused on factors such as significant potential to replace incumbents, continuous innovation, the likelihood of “hypergrowth,” the ability to scale quickly, and the introduction of a new business model that applies across industries. We were honored to be selected and share company with some of the leading companies in the world.
Each company was asked to define disruption. Peter Duncan, Ph.D., CEO and Founder, MicroSeismic stated, “Disruption is making more possible by doing the impossible. No one believed it was possible for MicroSeismic’s PSET seismic imaging technology to detect the energy release equivalent of a human heartbeat through 10,000 feet of rock 20 years ago.” The now proven technique has opened new ways for companies to protect their assets and operations. As a result, it has allowed MicroSeismic to broaden our scope and utilize surface monitoring services for frac driven interactions, and new ESG solutions for sinkhole monitoring (KarstAlert®), CCS monitoring (CO2SeQure™), and geothermal energy.”
“Being a part of the CNBC Disruptor 50 List with these other remarkable companies is an exciting moment for MicroSeismic,” stated Peter Duncan, Ph.D. “We are excited to enter into new economic and environmental markets with our service as we strive to be a world leading data and IOT company. In line with our disruptor heritage, we recently brought Gary Hargraves on from the Tech industry as President and COO to help lead the change.”
To view CNBC’s segment on Energy Disruptors and highlight article on MicroSeismic
MicroSeismic, Inc. provides critical data to sustain the health and vitality of surface and sub-surface assets. We began in 2003 with a mission to bring passive seismic technology to the oil field. As our expertise has grown, so has the list of applications. We have successfully monitored the stability of wellbores in tectonically active areas, CO2 sequestration (CCUS), sinkhole development, enhanced geothermal systems, reservoir stimulation, and seismic hazards in environmentally sensitive areas. The shale boom of the mid 2000’s overwhelmed us with demand for hydraulic fracture monitoring. Today, priorities have changed. While frac monitoring is still a business driver for us, new opportunities have expanded our original vision to include environmental markets. Adaptable technology and almost 20 years of experience allows us to apply passive seismic techniques to a wide spectrum of problems relevant to the oil field and beyond.
#WeListen #WeProtect #MonitoringMatters
#FDI #CarbonSequestration #Sinkhole #Geothermal #ESG #Environment
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Media Contact:
Monica Vrana
[email protected]